Top 10 galaxies
10. Andromeda
A spiral galaxy located in the constellation Andromeda.

fot. David (Deddy) Dayag / (CC BY-SA 4.0)
- diameter: 220,000 light years
- distance from Earth: 2,520,000 light years
- release date: 964 year
9. Tadpole Galaxy
A spiral galaxy located in the constellation of Dragon.
- diameter: 280,000 light years
- distance from Earth: 420,000,000 light years
- release date: ???
8. ESO 444-46
Elliptical galaxy located in the constellation Centaurus.
- diameter: 402,000 light years
- distance from Earth: 640,000,000 light years
- release date: ???
7. UGC 2885
A spiral galaxy located in the constellation Perseus.

fot. ESA/Hubble / (CC BY-SA 4.0)
- diameter: 463,000 light years
- distance from Earth: 232,000,000 light years
- release date: ???
6. Condor Galaxy
Spiral galaxy located in the constellation of Pavia.

fot. ESO/VLT, Judy Schmidt – NGC 6872 / (CC BY-SA 4.0)
- diameter: 522,000 light years
- distance from Earth: 212,000,000 light years
- release date: June 27, 1835
5. Comet Galaxy
A spiral galaxy located in the constellation Sculptor.
- diameter: 600,000 light years
- distance from Earth: 3,200,000,000 light years
- release date: March 2, 2007
4. ESO 306-17
Elliptical galaxy located in the constellation Columba.
- diameter: 1,000,000 light years
- distance from Earth: 500,000,000 light years
- release date: ???
3. Abell 2261
- diameter: 1,000,000 light years
- distance from Earth: 909,000,000 light years
- release date: 1958
2. Herkules A
Elliptical galaxy located in the constellation Hercules.

fot. NASA, ESA, S. Baum and C. O’Dea (RIT), R. Perley and W. Cotton (NRAO/AUI/NSF), and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) (CC BY-SA 4.0)
- diameter: 1,500,000 light years
- distance from Earth: 2,100,000,000 light years
- year of discovery: 1959
1. IC 1101
Elliptical galaxy located in the constellation Virgo.
- diameter: 4,000,000 light years
- distance from Earth: 1,070,000,000 light years
- release date: June 19, 1790
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