Top 10 asset management companies

lip 26, 2022 | the best, the best, the biggest | 0 komentarzy

10. Amundi

Amundi grafika

  • total assets (2021): $ 2,061,066,000,000
  • country: France

9. BNY Mellon Investment Management

BNY Mellon Investment Management grafika

  • total assets (2021): $ 2,148,821,000,000
  • country: United States


PIMCO grafika

  • total assets (2021): $ 2,153,144,000,000
  • country: United States

7. Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs grafika

  • total assets (2021): $ 2,305,443,000,000
  • country: United States

6. JPMorgan Chase

JPMorgan Chase grafika

  • total assets (2021): $ 2,321,587,000,000
  • country: United States

5. Capital Group

Capital Group grafika

  • total assets (2021): $ 2,322,952,000,000
  • country: United States

4. State Street Global Advisors

State Street Global Advisors grafika

  • total assets (2021): $ 3,379,416,000,000
  • country: United States

3. Fidelity Investments

Fidelity Investments grafika

  • total assets (2021): $ 3,688,948,000,000
  • country: United States

2. Vanguard Group

Vanguard Group grafika

  • total assets (2021): $ 7,072,987,000,000
  • country: United States

1. BlackRock

BlackRock grafika

fot. Americasroof / (CC BY-SA 3.0)

  • total assets (2021): $ 9,460,000,000,000
  • country: United States