10 deadliest tsunamis

lis 15, 2022 | disasters, the best, the biggest | 0 komentarzy

10. Crete earthquake

  • number of victims: 22,200
  • date: July 21, 365
  • tsunami struck location: Greece

9. Arica earthquake

Arica earthquake grafika

  • number of victims: 25,674
  • date: August 13, 1868
  • tsunami struck location: Chile

8. Sanriku earthquake

Sanriku earthquake grafika

  • number of victims: 27,122
  • date: June 15, 1896
  • tsunami struck location: Japan

7. Hōei earthquake

  • number of victims: 30,000
  • date: October 28, 1707
  • tsunami struck location: Japan

6. Meiō earthquake

  • number of victims: 31,000
  • date: September 20, 1498
  • tsunami struck location: Japan

5. Minoan eruption

  • number of victims: 40,000
  • date: 2nd millennium BC
  • tsunami struck location: Greece

4. Lisbon earthquake

Lisbon earthquake grafika

  • number of victims: 50,000
  • date: November 1, 1755
  • tsunami struck location: Portugal

3. Eruption of Krakatoa

Eruption of Krakatoa grafika

  • number of victims: 120,000
  • date: August 26, 1883
  • tsunami struck location: Indonesia

2. Messina earthquake

Messina earthquake grafika

  • number of victims: 123,000
  • date: December 28, 1908
  • tsunami struck location: Italy

1. Indian Ocean tsunami

Indian Ocean tsunami grafika

  • number of victims: 227,898
  • date: December 26, 2004
  • tsunami struck location: Indian Ocean