utworzone przez admin | lip 8, 2022 | science, the best, the oldest
10. Academy of Fine Arts in Warsawcreation date: October 1, 1904city: Warsawnumber of students: 1,4909. Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Artscreation date: January 1, 1901city: Cracownumber of students: 1,0808. Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art in...
utworzone przez admin | lip 8, 2022 | history, the best, the most..., the oldest
10. University of Toulouseestablished: 1,229place: Toulouse (France)number of students: about 100,0009. University of Naples Federico IIestablished: 1,224place: Napoli (Italy)number of students: approximately 93,0008. University of Paduaestablished: 1,222place: Padua...
utworzone przez admin | lip 7, 2022 | animals, the best, the oldest
10. Silesian Zoo in Chorzówopening year: 1954area: 47 haaddress: promenada Generała Jerzego Ziętka 7, Chorzównumber of animals: 2,681species of animals: 3129. Gdańsk Zooopening year: 1954area: 124 haaddress: ul. Karwieńska 3, Gdańsknumber of animals: 1,200species of...
utworzone przez admin | lip 7, 2022 | the best, the oldest
10. Benedict XIII election year: 1724age at start of papacy: 75 years, 91 daysage at death: 81length of the pontificate: 5 years, 268 days9. Francis election year: 2013age at start of papacy: 76 years, 86 days8. Callixtus III election year: 1455age at start of papacy:...
utworzone przez admin | lip 7, 2022 | football, history, sport, the best, the oldest
10. Wrexham FCcreation date: 1864country: Wales9. Royal Engineers Association FCcreation date: 1863country: Great Britain8. Civil Service FCcreation date: 1863country: Great Britain7. Stoke City FCcreation date: 1863country: Great Britain6. Notts Countycreation date:...
utworzone przez admin | lip 7, 2022 | history, the best, the oldest
10. The Royal Mintestablishment: 886 yearscountry: Great Britainindustry: mint9. Tanaka-Igaestablishment: 885 yearscountry: Japanindustry: religious items8. Monnaie de Parisestablishment: 864 yearscountry: Franceindustry: mint7. Staffelter HofThe oldest vineyard in...