10 railway disasters with the most casualties

maj 12, 2022 | katastrofy, naj, największe, świat | 0 komentarzy

10. Awash rail disaster

The train derailed on the bridge over the Awash River Gorge.

  • number of victims: 428
  • date: January 13, 1985
  • country: Ethiopia

9. Torre del Bierzo rail disaster

Failure of the brakes led to a collision of 3 trains.

  • number of victims: approx. 500
  • date: January 3, 1944
  • country: Spain

8. Balvano train disaster

Due to the slippery tracks, the train stopped in the middle of the Armi tunnel. 517 people died after poisoning with carbon monoxide.

Balvano train disaster grafika

  • number of victims: 517
  • date: March 3, 1944
  • country: Italy

7. Ufa train disaster

The disaster was caused by an explosion of natural gas.

Ufa train disaster grafika

fot. BBC News / wikipedia.org (CC BY-SA 4.0)

  • number of victims: 575
  • date: June 4, 1989
  • country: USSR

6. Guadalajara train disaster

The train fell into a deep canyon.

  • number of victims: approx. 600
  • date: January 22, 1915
  • country: Mexico

5. Vereshchyovka train disaster

The train derailed on a bridge that was damaged by a previously passing tank train.

  • number of victims: approx. 650
  • date: January 24, 1944
  • country: USSR

4. Bihar train derailment

The train, crossing the bridge, derailed and fell into the Bagmati River.

  • number of victims: approx. 700
  • date: June 6, 1981
  • country: India

3. Saint-Michel-de-Maurienne derailment

The train derailed, going down a 3.3% hill. The brakes failed. The machine accelerated to 102 km / h in a place where the speed limit was 40 km / h. About 800 French soldiers died.

Saint-Michel-de-Maurienne derailment grafika

  • number of victims: approx. 800
  • date: December 12, 1917
  • country: France

2. Ciurea rail disaster

The train derailed at 95 km / h. There was a powerful explosion and fire.

  • number of victims: approx. 1,000
  • date: January 14, 1917
  • country: Romania

1. Sri Lanka tsunami train wreck

The tsunami wave hit a train travelling about 200 m from the coastline.

Sri Lanka tsunami train wreck grafika

  • number of victims: over 1,700
  • date: December 26, 2004
  • country: Sri Lanka

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