10. Misao Ōkawa
- age: 117 years, 27 days
- birthday: March 5, 1898
- date of death: April 1, 2015
- country: Japan
9. Chiyo Miyako
- age: 117 years, 81 days
- birthday: May 2, 1901
- date of death: July 22, 2018
- country: Japan
8. Emma Morano-Martinuzzi

(zdjęcie z 1943 roku)
- age: 117 years, 137 days
- birthday: November 29, 1899
- date of death: April 15, 2017
- country: Italy
7. Violet Brown

fot. gerontology.wikia.com (zdjęcie z 2015 roku)
- age: 117 years, 189 days
- birthday: March 10, 1900
- date of death: September 15, 2017
- country: Jamaica
6. Lucile Randon
- age: 117 years, 215 days (data from September 14, 2021)
- birthday: February 11, 1904
- date of death: alive (data from September 14, 2021)
- country: France
5. Marie-Louise Meilleur

fot. www3.sympatico.ca (zdjęcie z 1998 roku)
- age: 117 years, 230 days
- birthday: August 29, 1880
- date of death: April 16, 1998
- country: Canada
4. Nabi Tajima
- age: 117 years, 260 days
- birthday: August 4, 1900
- date of death: April 21, 2018
- country: Japan
3. Kane Tanaka

(zdjęcie z 1923 roku)
- age: 118 years, 255 days (data from September 14, 2021)
- birthday: January 2, 1903
- date of death: alive (data from September 14, 2021)
- country: Japan
2. Sarah Knauss

fot. cacao-chocolate.com (zdjęcie z 1979 roku)
- age: 119 years, 97 days
- birthday: September 24, 1880
- date of death: December 30, 1999
- country: United States
1. Jeanne Calment
- age: 122 years, 164 days
- birthday: February 21, 1875
- date of death: August 4, 1997
- country: France
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